Open nologyRob opened 2 years ago
Talking points - Add instructions, why the static class for card game?,
Brief Stages - 4B - 50 Points
OOP - Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction, Abstract Class - 50 Points (Didn't go 50 because of the static class organisation)
Code Quality - 15
Total 120%
Possible questions:
Stage 1:
Stage 2: Pick two questions?
Stage 3:
Why does your Snap game inherit from CardGame? - Snap needs access to the deck. All the methods associated to the CardGame.
Did you add any additional methods to the Snap class?
Stage 4:
Halfway Challenge - Marking Scheme
There is a chance of getting 120/100 due to adding and extending the project.
There is no penalty for not attempting stage 4a & 4b.
Brief Stages (50%)
OOP (50%)
You should feel confident with their application of each pillar.
Total each OOP pillar they have demonstrated.
Code Quality (20%)