HRGV / phyloFlash

phyloFlash - A pipeline to rapidly reconstruct the SSU rRNAs and explore phylogenetic composition of an illumina (meta)genomic dataset.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Generating heatmap with custom clustering #186

Open ArnoHagenbeek opened 11 months ago

ArnoHagenbeek commented 11 months ago


I have been trying to create a heatmap using phyloFlash_heatmap.R, but with the samples clustered by phylogeny. I have generated a distance matrix based on 18S, and am attempting to use it as the base of the sample clustering using the following command: rscript phyloFlash_heatmap.R --custom-distance-matrix-sample=custom_distance_matrix_for_heatmap.tsv --library-name-from-file --cluster-samples=custom --min-ntu-count=300 *.csv For many groups, the clustering becomes identical. However, for several samples, the phyloflash clustering does not match the trees given to me by programs such as iqtree or T-rex when they are provided with the same distance matrix.

Am I not providing the distance matrix correctly, or does phyloflash use a different logic to build the tree compared to these other programs?

Thanks! Arno

Iqtree: image T-rex server: image Phyloflash_heatmap.R: image