HRNPH / AIwaifu

Open-Waifu open-sourced finetunable customizable simpable AI waifu inspired by neuro-sama
GNU General Public License v2.0
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'AIVoifu.voice_conversion.Sovits.monotonic_align.monotonic_align.core' #35

Closed T9es closed 1 year ago

T9es commented 1 year ago


It's late at night here for me, don't have the mental power to chew through this one alone. I've removed the numpy version from requirements to fix some install issues. Don't know/Can't check if the issue is regarding this. My internet connection is really bad rn, so don't want to re-install a bunch of stuff as this can take HOURS, even small files, unless it's mandatory

HRNPH commented 1 year ago

I think you need to build monotolic align as I mention in the readme installation did you do this already?

# You need to install the monotonic_align module for sovits to work
cd AIVoifu/voice_conversion/Sovits/monotonic_align 
python build_ext --inplace
T9es commented 1 year ago

Huh, I actually did go through the readme and did the step, however, now after doing it again it works... god I need some sleep, me being tired might have been the reason, might have skipped something, sorry to bother

HRNPH commented 1 year ago

yeah nevermind, after you've used it please give some feedback for improvement In discussion so we can make this better together

Sylensar commented 1 year ago

Im getting a error when entering that command.

HRNPH commented 1 year ago

@Sylensar what error? please show the picture, Log, or explanation you should access the "AIVoifu" folder then using the build command provided please open new issue in case it's the new error