HRNPH / AIwaifu

Open-Waifu open-sourced finetunable customizable simpable AI waifu inspired by neuro-sama
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Create A Config file capable of configure everything on the project #63

Open HRNPH opened 8 months ago

HRNPH commented 8 months ago


we now have too many option to select from, It would be easier to have config file which can be edited and configure the whole project in one place

Zinedinarnaut commented 8 months ago

Couldn’t we use dotenv for that or just the config.json/yaml.

HRNPH commented 8 months ago

yep probably json file but i create an issue in case someone wanna do it

Zinedinarnaut commented 8 months ago

What needs to be configured?

HRNPH commented 8 months ago

The Config.json should be in the root of the file and contain

So it won't ask user again for the configuration