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March 9, 2021 Meeting #35

Closed drewgle closed 3 years ago

drewgle commented 3 years ago

Meeting Date: March 9, 2021
Speaker: Sean Killeen (@SeanKilleen)

Speakers please provide a short bio, topic and description to help us announce and promote your talk.

jguadagno commented 3 years ago

I'm available. Sessions can be found at

SeanKilleen commented 3 years ago

I'm available if you'd like!

List of current sessions here:

But I'm definitely up to create a new abstract if the listed talks don't resonate -- feel free to reach out and we can hone in on a topic that the group may benefit from.


1kevgriff commented 3 years ago

@SeanKilleen sold!

1kevgriff commented 3 years ago

@SeanKilleen We'll reach out in Feb to settle on topic. Thanks!

SeanKilleen commented 3 years ago

Hey all! Spoke with @1kevgriff and worked out a topic. Wanted to reach out here so you could prepare the meetup.

SeanKilleen commented 3 years ago

So, fun story -- Meetup hit some sort of loop when I tried to post a second comment, and now it thinks I'm over a daily comment limit of 20. So I can't post this follow-up to the group until tomorrow. (A brief aside: it provides its API response error wrapped inside of a 200 OK status code. Gah!)

So, I'll post this tomorrow.

I wanted to answer two of the remaining questions here:

Q: Can I use SpecFlow with Rider? A: YES! There was a plugin released in January, which I'm very happy about.

Q: What the heck happened with the parameterized scenario outline? Why didn't it run? A: This drove me up a wall for a little bit, until I realized the problem was something much simpler -- I hadn't added NUnit to the project! :) While basic tests would run, the ability to enable the running of scenario outlines was blocked by not having the NUnit library itself added. Once I did that, the scenario outline picked it up. I'll add this as an example in the future so we can skip over the trivial package issue. Thanks for bearing with me!