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September 12, 2023 Meeting #65

Closed drewgle closed 10 months ago

drewgle commented 1 year ago

Meeting Date: September 12, 2023
Speaker: Sidney Andrews (@seesharprun)

Speakers please provide a short bio, topic and description to help us announce and promote your talk.

seesharprun commented 1 year ago

Sidney Andrews


Sidney is a Senior Content Developer with Microsoft Learn focusing on Azure Cosmos DB documentation ( Before Microsoft, Sidney was an Azure MVP and focused on building innovative training content for .NET and JS developers. Now, Sidney spends his days building developer tutorials and hands-on training and is passionate about improving developer training using accessible in-browser tooling like GitHub Codespaces.


Build your own CLI with .NET and Spectre.Console


Many cutting edge code samples, integration tests, training, and demos require a service to be pre-configured or a database to be seeded with sample data. In the past, we would spend an inordinate amount of time finding a CLI tool that can do this for us and then realizing that everything out there only partially matches our needs. In this talk, we will go through a real-time walkthrough of how to build your own command line interface using .NET. We'll talk about all the things that should be considered when building a CLI tool and implement a CLI tool in real-time during the talk.

seesharprun commented 11 months ago

Do you need anything else from me?

1kevgriff commented 11 months ago