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July 9th, 2024 Meeting #70

Open 1kevgriff opened 7 months ago

1kevgriff commented 7 months ago

Meeting Date: July 9th, 2024 Meeting Speaker: Jeremy Sinclair (Take 2!)

Speakers please provide a short bio, topic and description to help us announce and promote your talk.

snickler commented 2 weeks ago

Title: Bring Your WPF Apps Cross-Platform with Avalonia

Abstract: As a Windows developer, you're probably well-acquainted with WPF, one of the go-to UI frameworks for desktop .NET development. However, WPF's limitation to Windows can be a constraint for those who want their application to expand beyond Windows. Imagine the possibilities if your WPF application could run cross-platform. In our upcoming session, we'll explore how to take your application beyond Windows with Avalonia XPF, allowing it to operate seamlessly on Linux and macOS.