HSA-Libraries / Bolt

Bolt is a C++ template library optimized for GPUs. Bolt provides high-performance library implementations for common algorithms such as scan, reduce, transform, and sort.
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Missing Linux installation instructions #161

Closed bmerry closed 10 years ago

bmerry commented 10 years ago

After downloading the binary tarball for Linux and unpacking it, I find a directory with some stuff in it, but no instructions on installation. For example, should one copy include, lib and lib64 to /usr/local? Or is it intended that Bolt applications should set up -I and -L compiler flags to wherever one unpacked Bolt? Is any special care needed if one already has Boost (and no doubt a different version of Boost) installed to avoid version conflicts?

jayavanth commented 10 years ago

Hi bmerry, You just need to specify the path of includes and libraries using -I and -L paths. We recommend using Boost 1.55, which can be found in lib(64)/. Nevertheless, you can use older versions. Note that, we have tested only for Boost 1.52+.

ravibanger commented 10 years ago

Linux support added with release 1.1.