HSAFoundation / HSA-Drivers-Linux-AMD

These drivers have been superseded by ROCm Platform now hosted at Radeon Open Compute GitHub Repo
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Kernel package version number for v1.6.1 release #15

Open briansp2020 opened 8 years ago

briansp2020 commented 8 years ago

The package versoni number for v1.6.1 (4.0.0-100002) is less than v1.6 (4.0.0-100050). So, when I tried to install the new packages, it did not install the new version correctly. Even though both v1.6 and v1.6.1 was installed, the installed kernel was actually v1.6. I had to uninstall v1.6 in order to get v1.6.1 installed properly. I don't the I needed to do that for the previous releases.