HSAFoundation / HSA-Drivers-Linux-AMD

These drivers have been superseded by ROCm Platform now hosted at Radeon Open Compute GitHub Repo
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No "Valid GPU ID is detected" when the system is booted with nomodeset kernel boot parameter #5

Closed zpodlovics closed 9 years ago

zpodlovics commented 9 years ago

I have noticed that when the system is booted without modeset (using the nomodeset kernel boot option) no valid gpu will detected. The cat /sys/devices/virtual/kfd/kfd/topology/nodes/0/gpu_id output is "0". If this is by design, this should be noted in the installation & configuration notes. However it would be good to have HSA support without any graphical interface - eg.: server usage.

Kaveri detected:............................Yes
Kaveri type supported:......................Yes
Radeon module is loaded:....................Yes
KFD module is loaded:.......................Yes
AMD IOMMU V2 module is loaded:..............Yes
KFD device exists:..........................Yes
KFD device has correct permissions:.........Yes
Valid GPU ID is detected:...................NO

Can run HSA.................................NO