HSAFoundation / HSA-Runtime-AMD

The HSA-Runtime
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No readonly memory region on Kaveri? #17

Closed PXAHyLee closed 8 years ago

PXAHyLee commented 8 years ago

Dear developers, My environment: Ubuntu 14.04 + Linux 4.0.0-100002-generic + HSA runtime 1.0.3 on Kaveri.

I want to allocate some __constant memory on the host side for my OpenCL kernel argument, and I modify the running example to make use of HSA runtime API.

typedef struct HsaContext
    hsa_agent_t agent;
    hsa_queue_t* queue;
    uint32_t queue_max_size;
    hsa_code_object_t code_object;
    hsa_executable_t executable;
    hsa_executable_symbol_t symbol;
    GPUInformation info;
} HsaContext;

static hsa_status_t get_readonly_memory_region(hsa_region_t region, void* data)
    hsa_region_segment_t segment;
    hsa_status_t e;
    e = hsa_region_get_info(region, HSA_REGION_INFO_SEGMENT, &segment);
    check(Query Region Segment Info, e);
    if (HSA_REGION_SEGMENT_READONLY != segment) {
        printf("segment enum: %d\n", segment);
        return HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    printf("Success, and segment enum is : %d\n", segment);
    *((hsa_region_t*)data) = region;

// Implement the helper function inspired by the other two similar functions
hsa_region_t FindReadonlyRegion(HsaContext* ctx)
    hsa_region_t ret;
    hsa_agent_iterate_regions(ctx->agent, get_readonly_memory_region, &ret);
    hsa_status_t e;
    e = (ret.handle == (uint64_t)-1) ? HSA_STATUS_ERROR : HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    check(Finding a readonly memory region, e);
    return ret;

And the runtime print three segment enum (3 0 0 in order), and none of which is 1 (HSA_REGION_SEGMENT_READONLY).

Does it imply that currently the HSA runtime has no such segment, or the code is wrong? Thanks.

jedwards-AMD commented 8 years ago

The Kaveri and Carrizo devices do not support a READONLY segment.