HSF / documents

Repository for HSF documents (e.g. technical notes)
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Rediscuss organization of this directory #106

Closed jouvin closed 1 year ago

jouvin commented 5 years ago

Issue dedicated to a topic started by @davidlange6 in #105:

how are people cloning this documents repository? The entire thing just to get one of the N documents? Eventually we will all care when there are enough papers there. Should think how to organize for the future.

Current repository remains small (75 MB) but potentially a problem if we continue to add PDFs and other binary files to the repo. Should we move to LFS (LFS is a standard component in Git v2 if I'm right) for these files?

davidlange6 commented 5 years ago

Perfect. Thanks - definitely not a short term issue - just thinking 20 documents ahead..

My only alternative thought so far - we make a branch per document. The master branch keeps all documents (though not sure how the syncing can work - perhaps only by humans)

hegner commented 1 year ago

It seems that issue never arose in the last few years. Thus closing the ticket now.