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Licensing TN: Copyright by the employing organization? #14

Open plexoos opened 8 years ago

plexoos commented 8 years ago

I read the note on licensing and found it helpful. However, one case is not quite clear to me and perhaps it can be clarified in the "Recommendations" section. I imagine a common situation when a software developer is employed by a non-profit organization such as a national lab or a university and funded by a government agency like DOE. In such case, should the organization and/or the agency be mentioned in the copyright notice as an owner along with the actually contributing authors? Is there a common rule for that or it should be decided on a case by case basis? I would be interested to know how it applies to the US.

hegner commented 1 year ago

@plexoos - seems your question was dormant for multiple years. That is part of the lab's policy who owns the copyright in the end. In a future iteration we will see whether we can concretise things a bit more - as at least for DOE there are not so many cases one has to look at.

plexoos commented 1 year ago

It's been only six years 😄 But I am glad to learn that there is still an intention to look into this. Thank you!

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