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implement suggestions to Analysis WG paper in preparation for archive submission #55

Closed msneubauer closed 6 years ago

msneubauer commented 6 years ago

Final (hopefully) version of analysis WG paper before arXiv submission

graeme-a-stewart commented 6 years ago

Hi @msneubauer

I had a quick look over things and it looks in good shape to me, but it's not a through proof read. Do you want me to...




msneubauer commented 6 years ago

Hi @graeme-a-stewart

I would be ok if you just merged it because enough people read it already. Its been circulated to the Analysis WG and I received and implemented several comments.

Having said that, if you have any time, I would welcome a thorough proof-read and before submitting and would implement your comments/corrections before sending to the archive. Outside of this, its ready to go.

graeme-a-stewart commented 6 years ago

Hi @msneubauer - I will merge and then take a copy of the document with me to read on the plane (I expect any comments would be minor).