HSLdevcom / OpenTripPlanner

An open source multi-modal trip planner
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Caused by: org.onebusaway.csv_entities.exceptions.MissingRequiredFieldException: missing required field: pathway_type #365

Open kalon33 opened 3 years ago

kalon33 commented 3 years ago

Expected behavior

pathway_mode would be read as defined in the spec.

Observed behavior

OTP requires a pathway_type field, that is not in the spec (seems to be pathway_mode under another name)

Version of OTP used (exact commit hash or JAR name)

891117f94fc3a8c859b8f1cc4f70eff00de4fca7 (master)

Data sets in use (links to GTFS and OSM PBF files)

IFDM dataset from Paris.

Steps to reproduce the problem

Use a GTFS file with a pathway.txt file.

Thanks for your help!

vesameskanen commented 3 years ago

There seems to be a closed issue about this error in the code repo which parses the mentionded data:


The history of the respective class indicates thet the error was fixed half a year ago:


I tested this with the new OTP2 setup and indeeed, parsing works correctly.

Does rebuilding a new OTP version help? It should now use the fixed onebusaway/pathway class.