HSLdevcom / digitransit-ui

Digitransit UI ("Reittiopas.fi")
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Split sprites in individual svg files #4967

Open hbruch opened 3 months ago

hbruch commented 3 months ago

Currently, svg icons are provides as a theme dependent sprites (default and hsl in this repo, addtional ones in downstream repositories). They are hard to maintain and contain much duplication.

For the embark-okc fork, we split them into indiviual svg files, and recreate the sprites in the static build step.

I suggest to do this upstream as well, as these individual svgs are easier to update, easier to override by inheriting themes, and could make of use includes to reduce duplication.

Should I provide a PR for this or do you have other plan?

Another question is what the long term strategy for icons is. digitransit-component-icon also duplicates many icons, but it is not evident, when to use this in contrast to the sprites approach, and how to support different themes.

hbruch commented 3 months ago

@vesameskanen any thoughts on this?

vesameskanen commented 3 months ago

We don't have any plans yet. I feel that we should have some sort of brainstorming session to figure out what to do.

vesameskanen commented 3 months ago

I had a quick look. Current problems:

Anyway, the interface which digitransit-component-icon library exposes is simple: <Icon img="arrow" width=2 heigth=2 color="#888888" />

It might make sense to move all icons directly to component-icon library, and expand its api to include all features that app/component/Icon.js has.

Any thoughts?

hbruch commented 3 months ago

I'v got some reservations moving the icons to the digitransit-component-icon library. IMHO the developer experience with these components is not the best and I wonder how an extension mechanism for external instances would look like. Would HSL accept and integrate third-party icons in this component?

Treating icons as components is presumably the mid-term /long-term goal to achieve. The idea has been around for a while but apparently seemed to overwhelming until now.

The proposed splitting and reassembly during build could be an easy first step as it allows to address you bullet points 1-3.

Another advantage would be that this way, icons could be moved step by step to the digitransit-componen-icon library. Especially rebuilding the map-icon handling could be postponed until perhaps a switch to another map library would make it unneeded anyway.