HSLdevcom / digitransit-ui

Digitransit UI ("Reittiopas.fi")
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DT-6282 new jkl zones #4982

Closed sharhio closed 2 months ago

sharhio commented 3 months ago

Proposed Changes

Relies on https://github.com/HSLdevcom/pelias-api/pull/108

Pull Request Check List


sharhio commented 2 months ago

Please add line styling to each line geometry as in other configurations: { type: "Feature", styles: [ { color: "#666", weight: 2, opacity: 1 }, { color: "#333", weight: 12, opacity: 0.2 } ], properties: { ZONE: "A" }, geometry: { coordinates: [ ...

I thought it looked different but then I checked Turku and it was similar so I let it be but of course Turku area data comes from elsewhere. My bad.