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Should "h" mode be in every road link? #520

Open hsl-petrhaj opened 1 year ago

hsl-petrhaj commented 1 year ago

H mode is needed if there are any turning restrictions (kääntymiskiellot), used at least for cars and bikes. I am not sure if it is needed for buses. For rail-based transport it seems redundant.

It is described here. https://hsldevcom.github.io/helmet-docs/emme_verkko.html

Should we check if mode "h" is available in network validation? Can we define precisely which modes require it?

@johpiip @zptro

zptro commented 1 year ago

When the network is imported into EMME, the h mode needs to be allowed on links with turn restrictions. But after that, when the model system is started, this restriction is no longer in place. The model system itself changes which links have h allowed and which not, when switching between car and bike assignment.

Turn restrictions are only used in car assignment.

hsl-petrhaj commented 1 year ago

I just checked our base network, the "h" mode is on every link, even on tram links. I understand it then gets partially removed during the model run, on the run that I checked it remained on every link that had "c" mode as well, not necessarily just links with turn restrictions. My point is more like what should the test network then look like. If we now typically add "h" mode everywhere, I think the test network should reflect that. @johpiip

johpiip commented 1 year ago

If we now typically add "h" mode everywhere, I think the test network should reflect that.

Can we have a validation routine that checks, which links have turn restrictions and verify that those have h on them? (edit: oops, not possible as we are checking a network that is already imported into EMME, so either the turns already work or they won't.) I agree with what your saying but I also think that we have to keep in mind, that not all networks will have h modes on all links even if we tell they should.