In Jore3 this has been checked during the import process.
The imported (combined) timetable should not contain departures that already exist in the current timetable.
Vehicle journeys should be unique by: validity start time, day type, direction, route and departure time.
Currently our database constraints do not block this case.
Should either be checked in the /combine API, or at database level with constraints.
Current understanding is, that in Jore4:
block times do not overlap within a vehicle service
In Jore3 this has been checked during the import process. The imported (combined) timetable should not contain departures that already exist in the current timetable. Vehicle journeys should be unique by: validity start time, day type, direction, route and departure time.
Currently our database constraints do not block this case. Should either be checked in the /combine API, or at database level with constraints.
Current understanding is, that in Jore4:
Discuss in a-rinki 7.9.