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Public transport registry
European Union Public License 1.2
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As a planner, I want to see bus stop significance #1654

Open Perholehto opened 8 months ago

Perholehto commented 8 months ago

The stop view | Header and basic information Show the information of a bus stop significance

Check the status of the listed fields with Petri Selksisalo. (pyydä ajantasainen data, jos joku tieto puuttuu - siitä luodaan selvitystiketti jossa pohditaan mistä data saadaan ja tarvitaanko sitä. Ainakin selvitys on mvp:tä)


Note: Importer is one task that is part of all the user stories. This means that within the user story the data will also be imported from jore3 so the data can be seen in the UI.

From Jore3:


ellinooraikaheimo commented 8 months ago

@culka checks this in slack and writes the information here.