HSLdevcom / jore4

Public transport registry
European Union Public License 1.2
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Add stop accessibility features to database and GraphQL api #1698

Open culka opened 4 months ago

culka commented 4 months ago

Jore4 needs to store more information about the stop accessibility and measurements than what is currently possible in Tiamat. These need to be added as custom fields and they need to be able to be stored using the GraphQL API.

Missing properties: https://dev.azure.com/hslfi/JORE%204.0/_wiki/wikis/4540e993-0bec-4793-be95-519d54ef8f33/3629/StopPlace-Accessibility# Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/dsNMixsO1558hCX0XzRDrc/Bus-stops-%7C-JORE-4.0-UX?type=design&node-id=1296-66844&mode=design&t=QPsgCTCTcQHcgaE9-4

Relates to #1306