HSLdevcom / jore4

Public transport registry
European Union Public License 1.2
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Add poster place equipment type to database and GraphQL API #1699

Open culka opened 4 months ago

culka commented 4 months ago

There is no equipment type in Tiamat which would be appropriate for the poster places / info spots for Jore4. A new Equipment type will need to be added, which will model a poster place and contain all the information we need to store for it.

One poster place is associated with either one stop or one terminal.

Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/dsNMixsO1558hCX0XzRDrc/Bus-stops-%7C-JORE-4.0-UX?type=design&node-id=1062-57970&mode=design&t=QPsgCTCTcQHcgaE9-4

Relates to #1324, https://github.com/HSLdevcom/jore4/issues/1318