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Public transport registry
European Union Public License 1.2
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As a planner I want to edit the stop signage of a bus stop #1712

Closed ellinooraikaheimo closed 2 months ago

ellinooraikaheimo commented 3 months ago

The bus stop view | Basic information

As a planner, I want to edit the signage of a stop, in order to inspect if they are up to date with current and upcoming changes in e.g. bus stop names.


navigate to a stop (- navigate to basic information - not yet needed) Edit a card of properties: Pysäkkikilvet



Note: Raideliikennettä korvaava and Runkolinjapysäkki are also bus stop properties, but they should be considered as requirements for signage. As signage properties they indicate, if they have been implemented in signage.

Leitsi commented 2 months ago

Moved and to be completed in Azure DevOps backlog.