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European Union Public License 1.2
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As a planner, I want to search for stops using the name of a stop #1722

Open HenrikHartiala opened 3 months ago

HenrikHartiala commented 3 months ago

As a planner, I want to search for stops using the name of a stop

Currently the search is only searching by label (H2003), so we want that it also searches by name variations (translations, long and short names) For example

    nameFin: 'Pohjoisesplanadi',
    nameSwe: 'Norraesplanaden',
    nameFinLong: 'Pohjoisesplanadi (pitkä)',
    nameSweLong: 'Norraesplanaden (lång)',


Main search field: Should search stop labels and all name variations (translations, long and short names)

Sort results by label alphabetically

NOTE: Use stops_database

Task list:

MVP search criteria in Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/dsNMixsO1558hCX0XzRDrc/Bus-stops-%7C-JORE-4.0-UX?node-id=1216%3A65709&t=aPb33BhAjkcMaWeT-1
