HSLdevcom / jore4

Public transport registry
European Union Public License 1.2
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Research: Add tariff zones to stop place details view UI #1727

Closed Leitsi closed 2 months ago

Leitsi commented 3 months ago

This is a research ticket. Create implementation ticket once the technical specification is ready. Note, there are already frontend notions at the end of this ticket, once the new implementation ticket is created you can copy those to the new ticket.

Workshop: Juha-Matti, (optional: Petri Selkisalo - contact in slack if needed), Markku Huotari, Teemu

Keep a meeting and specify how this should be done. After, implement.

Notes for the future:

Tariff zones can be fetched from open HSL data https://public-transport-hslhrt.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/hsln-maksuvy%C3%B6hykkeet/explore?location=60.233368%2C24.767591%2C8.52

See schema proposal in https://dev.azure.com/hslfi/JORE%204.0/_wiki/wikis/JORE-4.0.wiki/3561/Stop-location#

Added & combiner from other ticket:

It should be possible to add tariff zones to stops, as this is needed information for ticket systems which get their data from Jore4.

Design proposal: Tariff zone is included in the stop register data (Figma).


Possibly related to https://github.com/HSLdevcom/jore4/issues/1728