HSLdevcom / jore4

Public transport registry
European Union Public License 1.2
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Add municipalities to Tiamat and attach them to stop places #1728

Closed Leitsi closed 2 months ago

Leitsi commented 3 months ago

Municipalities (topographicPlace in Tiamat) can not be inserted via GraphQL or REST API. Investigate how these should be added.

Once added to Tiamat, also add municipalities for stop places in the seed data as a mean to verify that the solution works.

After this is done, viewing and editing of stop place municipality can be implemented.

For Tiamat schema, see https://dev.azure.com/hslfi/JORE%204.0/_wiki/wikis/JORE-4.0.wiki/3561/Stop-location#

Open map data can be used for municipality borders, for example https://geodata.ucdavis.edu/gadm/gadm4.1/json/gadm41_FIN_4.json.zip

Possibly related to https://github.com/HSLdevcom/jore4/issues/1727

Discuss this matter in a same meeting that #1727

Leitsi commented 2 months ago

Moved and to be completed in Azure DevOps backlog.