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Saavutettavuuden automaattinen testaus - AA(wcag2.1) #25

Closed eetuseta closed 2 years ago

eetuseta commented 3 years ago

As a developer I want to have automated tests regarding accessibility so that my features are compatible with the standards.

Research how to take into consideration. (Plan when to add DoD, how to proceed with this etc.)

Document plan

jpeuralinna commented 2 years ago

Tools that could be used to automate accessiblity testing: Google Lighthouse:



axe DevTools

Most of these tools also provide scans that can be performed manually for web pages. Based on reading and comments from other VALA testers, accessibility testing cannot be fully automated. And it always requires some manual checking to be sure that the service is compatible with wcag2.1 and that screen readers work properly. But it seems like Lighthouse could be added to our pipelines pretty easily (and without extra costs) and it would provide a starting point regarding accessibility testing. And then we could combine it with some manual testing before going live or in some other intervals.