HSLix / LixAssistantLimbusCompany

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MD4 Script - Random EGO Gift Choose Stuck #90

Open DAFTPUSiK opened 1 week ago

DAFTPUSiK commented 1 week ago



The script works fine, but it doesn't get to the initial selection of the EGO gift yet. I found out in one of the issues that it is necessary for the gift to be random. But at this point, the script stops and that's it. I tried several resolutions and scaling. I tried several different settings, positions, etc. Nothing helps.


Windows 10 1920x1080 125% ( 150% ) resolution. Start game in windowed ( else, it doesnt work for some reason ) state. Start MD4 script. It goes well, then stuck on the RandomEGO gift selection. Loop.


2024-07-03.0001.infoLog.log 2024-07-03.0001.warningLog.log 2024-07-03.0001.debugLog.log


image image


Continue the script.


Windows 10 Limbus Language : English System Language : English Screen Resolution : 1920x1080 125% (150%) Limbus ver. 1.50.0 LixAssistant ver.V2.1.12_Debug.

HSLix commented 1 week ago

switch the resize(i don‘t know whether this name is right) to 150% and try again? message in log say that you keep the resize 125%,but lalc is originnal set to work properly at 150%

DAFTPUSiK commented 1 week ago

Resolution changes actually doesnt change quite a bit, i think? I already tried it on 150% scale, also i tried a 1280x720 150% scale as written in FAQ. But it also doesnt seems to quite work. Im playing on laptop, with 15.6 inches monitor with Full HD resolution, so it might be some scaling problem, i guess? Like, it work properly with other scripts. Like Luxcavation and stuff, but it just cant seems to find a ChooseRandomEGOGift function when getting a picture. 2024-07-05.0001.infoLog.log 2024-07-05.0001.warningLog.log 2024-07-05.0001.debugLog.log

DAFTPUSiK commented 6 days ago

There are some more few tires. I dont really know why it dont working though. Maybe it really laptop related display scale problem or kind of that. 2024-07-10.0001.infoLog.log 2024-07-10.0001.warningLog.log 2024-07-10.0001.debugLog.log