The macro-micro-coupling tool for coupled molecular-continuum flow simulation
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Upload coverage data as artifact? #26

Open Thinkpiet opened 9 months ago

Thinkpiet commented 9 months ago

Test code coverage data could be uploaded via actions/upload-artifact@v4.

Possible advantages:

rubenhorn commented 9 months ago

Alternatively (or in addition), we could also use this action or this one on pull requests to monitor the test coverage of all files changed. A simple script could calculate the coverage of functions in the modified files: 1) Get all modified files

git diff --name-only $GITHUB_BASE_REF | grep -E '^[^(test)].*((\.h)|(\.cpph)|(\.cpp))$'

2) Get all corresponding tests TN: SF: <full/source/file/path> ... end_of_record ... from the trace file build/coverage.info 3) Get a list of all lines with functions in the corresponding file (All information should be contained in the trace file)

ctags -x --c-types=f <source/file/path> | grep function | awk '{print $3}'

4) Compute the coverage only for the changed files (SF: <full/source/file/path>) based on the trace file, e.g. function coverage using FNDA: <execution count>,<function>. (s. FILES section in lcov documentation)

Alternatively, it might be much simpler just to extract this information from the HTML coverage report using Beautiful Soup.