HSV-AI / presentations

This repository is used to manage the presentations given at Huntsville AI meetups. It provides a collection of Issues, Cards, and Files to plan and create the content needed for a presentation.
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SBIR Topics 1/18/2023 #42

Closed jperiodlangley closed 11 months ago

jperiodlangley commented 1 year ago

Review of open topics for DoD


There are 18 topics marked as Artificial Intelligence, and 15 marked with Machine Learning. These mostly overlap, but there are some outliers that appear to be mis-labeled. With 203 topics overall in the 23.1 group, it's time consuming to look for strays.

In this session, we will discuss each of these AI/ML topics as time allows. Given that our group includes members from multiple companies that may write competing proposals - so be sure not to give away any proprietary information that you wish to keep private.

Zoom Link for 1/18/2023: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83907844167?pwd=TU5HMmRQSjU1RmttY2hFQ2JnOXpkQT09

Release Dates for 2023

Adding material to the presentations repository

Add the file to present (prefer Jupyter Notebooks or Markdown formated files) to the folder structure. For multiple files, create a directory following the naming convention and add the files to it.

Naming convention

We use a convention of starting the filenames with a date (year/month/day) so that the files are still sorted by date even when in alphabetical format.


jperiodlangley commented 1 year ago

SBIR Topics