This repository is used to manage the presentations given at Huntsville AI meetups. It provides a collection of Issues, Cards, and Files to plan and create the content needed for a presentation.
Thinking about a presentation on the different scaffolding approaches in use for setup, training, and inference for ML models. Hopefully this will give us a common approach that can be used in future projects.
Add the file to present (prefer Jupyter Notebooks or Markdown formated files) to the folder structure. For multiple files, create a directory following the naming convention and add the files to it.
Naming convention
We use a convention of starting the filenames with a date (year/month/day) so that the files are still sorted by date even when in alphabetical format.
Thinking about a presentation on the different scaffolding approaches in use for setup, training, and inference for ML models. Hopefully this will give us a common approach that can be used in future projects.
Complete the following items to get a presentation ready for Huntsville AI
Adding material to the presentations repository
Add the file to present (prefer Jupyter Notebooks or Markdown formated files) to the folder structure. For multiple files, create a directory following the naming convention and add the files to it.
Naming convention
We use a convention of starting the filenames with a date (year/month/day) so that the files are still sorted by date even when in alphabetical format.