HScheiber / STAT545-hw-Scheiber-Hayden

My main repository for all homework assignments in the STAT545 and STAT547M courses at UBC.
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Homework 03 is ready for grading #2

Open HScheiber opened 6 years ago

HScheiber commented 6 years ago

Link to the main page of my homework repo.

Link to the homework 3 Section.

Link to the homework 3 ggplot2/dpylr exploration markdown file.

Last SHA: c580bafba87826d9731d9dd387af23ee5f8f5a2d

mattssca commented 6 years ago

Hi! Awesome job with this homework assignment. Here is my peer review and I wish you the best of luck with all your future assignments.

First of all, I have to say that I really like your README.md it has everything that needs to be there, without missing any relevant information. You have included appropriate links to your files and also, your reflections and progress report is nicely documented in your README file. The cool thing about doing peer reviews, is that you get so much inspiration and tips for your own future tasks. I personally organize my own README files in a similar way as you, and obviously that's an approach that I like.

You've done more than what was required from the task and I only have good things to say about your approach and the way that you explain your assumptions. Keep up the good work and I'll see you in class.


hsmohammed commented 6 years ago

Hello, I'd like to express how I admired the effort you put into this assignment. You did more than the required. You did the tasks in a very creative way. You reported your work very well. I also, wanted to find a way to make a barplot such as the one you did, but I couldn't find a way using the ggplot and dplyr. I liked your idea of displaying the within the continents spread of the data and relate it to the decades to to show the spatial and temporal change at the same time. Overall, a great work and wish you all the best.

Thanks Hossameldin Mohammed

ksedivyhaley commented 6 years ago

At least three tasks: Yes (5) A table and figure for each task: Yes (see comment re table 4, but 4 tables OK) Comments on tables/figures: Yes Reflections on Process: Yes Bonus (side-by-side layout, table formatting): No (basic kable)


Your mark will be distributed later. If you would like more feedback, please feel free to message me on slack.