HScheiber / STAT545-hw-Scheiber-Hayden

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Homework 09 is Ready for Grading #8

Open HScheiber opened 6 years ago

HScheiber commented 6 years ago
xinmiaow commented 6 years ago

Hi @HScheiber,

It’s nice to review your package. I did not choose this task, so it’s good for me to learn from your homework.

You create the following functions in your powers Package:

Export Functions

Each function is documented and has the corresponding test file. It’s really nice you deal with characters and strings. In addition, you create the arguments returnVal and returnPlot choose whether the output will be returned.

Internal Functions

Other files:

Overall, I think you did good job.

bcahn7 commented 6 years ago

Hello @HScheiber , Here are some comments on your hw09. Hope it helps!

Overall, I think you have a thorough understanding on building your own R packages. You did a great job!