HScheiber / STAT545-hw-Scheiber-Hayden

My main repository for all homework assignments in the STAT545 and STAT547M courses at UBC.
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Homework 10 is Ready for Grading #9

Open HScheiber opened 6 years ago

HScheiber commented 6 years ago
ghost commented 6 years ago

Hi Heyden,

Great job on this assignment!

Your GitHub repository is very well-organized -- I really liked the layout of everything. Everything is well-documented and explained.

For this assignment, you picked a cool new dataset to work with. You really went above and beyond with the amount of data you obtained from your website of choice. Overall, you approached the web scraping in a different way than I did, and so I learned a lot from reading your assignment.

It was nice to see you manipulating character vectors skillfully with stringr and regex expressions. I also liked the use of browser screenshots to explain how you did the scraping steps.

Finally, I really liked your bus route vs. number of stops route, with the colouring by number of days active in a week!

I'm not sure if I have any suggestions for improvement here. Overall, amazing job!
