HTBox / allReady

This repo contains the code for allReady, an open-source solution focused on increasing awareness, efficiency and impact of preparedness campaigns as they are delivered by humanitarian and disaster response organizations in local communities.
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Investigate Progressive Web Application #1738

Open stevejgordon opened 7 years ago

stevejgordon commented 7 years ago

Initial discussion around thoughts on implementing a PWA approach to the application so that we can support more offline scenarios, install icon on the phone and use phone features where applicable.

The current Cordova app has not been developed in some time and the tooling is now fairly unsupported.

We need a solution to build out volunteer management pages to view work items and mark progress as requests are completed.

/cc @tonysurma @BillWagner @RichardCampbell

shahiddev commented 7 years ago

Are the thoughts that it would be separate web app focused on the use cases required for the field user e.g. itinerary, appointment management, task completion. This might be easier to manage and develop rather than bundling all this logic into the existing web app?

stevejgordon commented 7 years ago

@shahiddev All up for discussion I think as I must confess I'm not sure how PWAs are best designed. Certainly the bits we most need don't yet exist and need to be added around volunteers closing tasks etc.

naeemsarfraz commented 7 years ago

@stevejgordon @shahiddev With PWA's you are limiting yourself to Android only, not sure about Windows Phone. They aren't supported on iOS at the moment though there has been an indication from Apple they are considering it.

stevejgordon commented 7 years ago

@naeemsarfraz - Yeah but who uses Apple products! Windows phone is where it's at!! :-)

shahiddev commented 7 years ago

I think the ethos behind PWAs is that they should progressively enhance so at worst on the Apple devices there should still be a very usable mobile web app, I believe windows mobile do support PWAs . Apple might be dragging their heels (they want to protect their App Store revenues after all) but I'm in the same camp as @RichardCampbell and others where the app store lifecycle is just too cumbersome (there is also the discoverability issue but less of a problem for AllReady).

EmilyLuijbregts commented 7 years ago

@tonysurma @RichardCampbell @BillWagner Hi guys, do you have anything to add to this discussion?

EmilyLuijbregts commented 7 years ago

@tonysurma @RichardCampbell @BillWagner a friendly nudge to follow up on this ticket. Any thoughts?

BBosman commented 7 years ago

Until Apple fully supports PWAs you can get a bit of that functionality (the icon part) on iOS through Web Clips.