HTBox / allReady

This repo contains the code for allReady, an open-source solution focused on increasing awareness, efficiency and impact of preparedness campaigns as they are delivered by humanitarian and disaster response organizations in local communities.
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UX Review (General Discussion) #2197

Open stevejgordon opened 6 years ago

stevejgordon commented 6 years ago

As the project has matured and evolved to meet the requirements and feedback from testing, the flows have become quite complex. Most specifically, the design of the UI/UX has been very form based and may not suit non technical users.

Therefore we are starting a site wide UX review. This issue will act as a master point where larger, general discussions can be had, requirements verified and ideas to be shared. As we progress, we'll break out smaller, specific issues to focus on individual parts of the site and flows.

stevejgordon commented 6 years ago

Let me introduce my friend @PracticalUX (aka Chris) a UX designer who is kindly helping to review the site and provide recommendations. We spent an initial 2 hours recently walking through some of the functionality which was extremely useful. In doing so we identified a number of quick wins regarding UX changes we could make.

Chris also has some wider recommendations that we can begin to build on and discuss here. We'll break out other issues as each item feels it needs it's own space to be discussed / worked on.

PracticalUX commented 6 years ago


It's hard to make concrete recommendations for user journeys without concrete data about how users interact with the website (which would ideally be in the form of observations of and conversations with actual target users of the website, ideally users from the organisations who will end up using the website). Having that data would inform our design decisions with much more accuracy and confidence. But we can still tackle UX issues based on existing usability heuristics, and our own experience interacting with the site.

With that in mind, here are some of my recommendations for UX improvements that could be made.

The biggest issue in my mind is that to a lay-person, not intimately familiar with the project, the structure and hierarchy of the various areas of the website are unclear. What I mean is, CAMPAIGNS contain EVENTS, which can be made up of TASKS. But honestly, that isn't obvious to new users - if I'm inside an event, for example, the only real visual clue to that structure is in breadcrumbs at the top.

One potential solution to this problem would be to introduce (on desktop / larger devices at least) a left side navigation bar, which would display a list of campaigns, with the relevant events clearly within particular campaigns. So if I'm within an event called "Fundraising BBQ", for a campaign called "Fire awareness campaign", that structure is obvious and easily navigable from within any of those pages. Something like this within a left sidebar:

My Campaigns

This would allow faster navigation, and more importantly make the structure clear and intuitive to users. In my mind that's the biggest UX improvement that could be made.

There are more minor issues which are probably easier to fix. These include:

I would suggest instead just:

Campaign Name

And where a headline or description is used elsewhere, just an excerpt of the Description field be used. This might pose slightly less control over how the excerpt looks in other places on the site, but the benefit is the form looks much less imposing to users, and requires them to think less (and as much as possible, users shouldn't have to think!)

I think making the structure and hierarchy more obvious gives the biggest benefit to users, but some of these "quick wins" would help them as well. If at all possible, testing with real users (not developers or their partners) would likely prove or disprove some of these assumptions, and would very likely shed light on other usability issues as well.

jonparker commented 6 years ago

@PracticalUX Great work Chris, thanks for your help.

darcehess commented 6 years ago

I would be happy to help with the UI/UX piece of the project

jonparker commented 6 years ago

Actually I'd be happy to help too but I was wondering if there's any plans to add SASS to the project?

jonparker commented 6 years ago

What do people think about changing the colour to this orange (#ef6230). I find it a lot nicer.

Brighter orange