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Unity Hub, can not create a Unityproject: Project path does not exist #17

Open smeerws opened 3 years ago

smeerws commented 3 years ago
Bildschirmfoto 2021-09-20 um 17 29 11
smeerws commented 3 years ago

smeerws commented 3 years ago

smeerws commented 3 years ago

Log data : %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\UnityHub\logs

smeerws commented 3 years ago

I am currently having the same issue, a solution would be really appreciated.

Edit: Uninstalling both the unity hub and the old unity version then reinstalling the hub with the newest unity version fixed the problem. In my case there was no significant difference in using the newest version over the one in which my project was created, so i did not check if reinstalling the original version would have the same effect.

nicht funktioniert

smeerws commented 3 years ago