Hello, I tried to use the script to undistort images in tumvi dataset. The results showed that the equidistant distortion model fitted well, but the radial tangential distortion didn't. Hasn't this script supported radtan distortion well yet, or Have I done something wrong?
% omni-radtan-512
intri = [1.792187901303534, 533.340727445877, 533.2556495307942, 254.64689387916482, 256.4835490935692];
D = [-0.05972430882700243, 0.17468739202093328, 0.000737218969875311, 0.000574074894976456];
xi = intri(1);
fu = intri(2);
fv = intri(3);
pu = intri(4);
pv = intri(5);
K = [fu fu*cot(xi) pu; 0 fv pv; 0 0 1];
unImgRadtan = camera.Undistort(img, D, K, 'radtan');
Hello, I tried to use the script to undistort images in tumvi dataset. The results showed that the equidistant distortion model fitted well, but the radial tangential distortion didn't. Hasn't this script supported radtan distortion well yet, or Have I done something wrong? @HTLife