HTMLGuyLLC / jAlert

jQuery alert/modal/lightbox plugin
MIT License
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Is confirm waits for user input #28

Closed Harshil12 closed 8 years ago

Harshil12 commented 8 years ago

Is this pluging waits until user action or it just execute the next line code in javascript ?

HTMLGuyLLC commented 8 years ago

Depends on how you implement it. If you put it directly in your on load function, it'll just run. If you wrap it in a button onclick handler, it'll wait.

Harshil12 commented 8 years ago

Thanks for quick response,

I am integrating this confirm with some existing application in which after calling confirm it has return the code. If I am planning to move all code in handler then there is more code change.

Is there any way I can have something in JavaScript which can wait for user response.

Thanks, Harshil

HTMLGuyLLC commented 8 years ago

I'm really not sure what you're asking, but if you can provide a code sample, I might be able to help.

HTMLGuyLLC commented 8 years ago

Also, this isn't an issue with the code, but your implementation. So I'm closing.

Harshil12 commented 8 years ago


I could not reply.

Yes this is not the issue with code but , I need help.

My problem is on my button there is two event written client side and server side.

on client side event java script function prepare the message and display into confirm box and then return true or false accordingly user action on confirm box , Based on true or false server side event fire.

Issue here is if I use this confirm box then it does not wait for user action and default retrun false so server side event does happen and save is not working. I am @ home once reach office will sent you a code base

Your help will save my lot of time.

Thanks in Advance,