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Jamstack 2022 #2898

Closed rviscomi closed 1 year ago

rviscomi commented 2 years ago

Jamstack 2022

Jamstack illustration

If you're interested in contributing to the Jamstack chapter of the 2022 Web Almanac, please reply to this issue and indicate which role or roles best fit your interest and availability: author, reviewer, analyst, and/or editor.

Content team

Lead Authors Reviewers Analysts Editors Coordinator
@seldo @seldo @whitep4nth3r @GregBrimble @nutlope @seldo - @tunetheweb
Expand for more information about each role 👀 - The **[content team lead]('-Guide)** is the chapter owner and responsible for setting the scope of the chapter and managing contributors' day-to-day progress. - **[Authors]('-Guide)** are subject matter experts and lead the content direction for each chapter. Chapters typically have one or two authors. Authors are responsible for planning the outline of the chapter, analyzing stats and trends, and writing the annual report. - **[Reviewers]('-Guide)** are also subject matter experts and assist authors with technical reviews during the planning, analyzing, and writing phases. - **[Analysts]('-Guide)** are responsible for researching the stats and trends used throughout the Almanac. Analysts work closely with authors and reviewers during the planning phase to give direction on the types of stats that are possible from the dataset, and during the analyzing/writing phases to ensure that the stats are used correctly. - **[Editors]('-Guide)** are technical writers who have a penchant for both technical and non-technical content correctness. Editors have a mastery of the English language and work closely with authors to help wordsmith content and ensure that everything fits together as a cohesive unit. - The **[section coordinator]('-Guide)** is the overall owner for all chapters within a section like "User Experience" or "Page Content" and helps to keep each chapter on schedule. _Note: The time commitment for each role varies by the chapter's scope and complexity as well as the number of contributors._ For an overview of how the roles work together at each phase of the project, see the [Chapter Lifecycle]( doc.

Milestone checklist

0. Form the content team

1. Plan content

2. Gather data

3. Validate results

4. Draft content

5. Publication

Chapter resources

Refer to these 2022 Jamstack resources throughout the content creation process:

📄 Google Docs for outlining and drafting content 🔍 SQL files for committing the queries used during analysis 📊 Google Sheets for saving the results of queries 📝 Markdown file for publishing content and managing public metadata 💬 #web-almanac-jamstack on Slack for team coordination

tunetheweb commented 2 years ago

Calling the 2021 Jamstack super team!: @denar90 @Dawntraoz @thomkrupa

Are any of you interested in contributing again this year?

Also can any of you suggest potential authors/reviewers/analysts who have domain expertise in the Jamstack space that might make good contributors? Would love if you could reach out and/or tag suggestions here to see if we can get new people involved!

tunetheweb commented 2 years ago

@seldo I hear you might be interested in helping with this chapter?

denar90 commented 2 years ago

I can't this year. Unfortunately. Ukraine 🇺🇦 was attacked by russia, hence it will be hard to contribute even if war ends soon...

tunetheweb commented 2 years ago

I hope you and your family are keeping safe @denar90

seldo commented 2 years ago

@seldo I hear you might be interested in helping with this chapter?

Yep! Obviously I spend a lot of time up to my neck in Jamstack data, and in fact I have been independently querying the HA dataset for my own job. Happy to do queries or write analysis or both.

tunetheweb commented 2 years ago

Happy to do queries or write analysis or both.

Sorry @seldo but confused about that. Do you mean “write queries” and “write the content”? Or just write the queries? Btw I helped with some of the analysis for this chapter last year so happy to answer any questions on that.

Do you know anyone else in the Jamstack community that might be interested in helping writing or reviewing? I’m not that involved myself to be honest.

seldo commented 2 years ago

Sorry, happy to both write queries and content, running queries and then turning them into content is my full-time job :-) But I don't know if this section already has a writer assigned, didn't want to step on anybody's toes.

tunetheweb commented 2 years ago

Would you be happy to lead this chapter then? You be in charge of setting the direction of the chapter, deciding on any co-authors (if you want any), and generally ensuring you stick to the deadlines noted above as much as possible. More details on it here:'-Guide.

As Section Lead for the Content Publishing section, I would also be checking in with you periodically to ensure everything's on track.

Writing and Analysing is a lot to take on, but has been done multiple times before (some of us authors actually prefer to at least help with the analysis so we can dig in to the data more!). Just want you to be aware of what you're signing up to here. As I say, I'm happy to help out with the analysis though.

But I don't know if this section already has a writer assigned, didn't want to step on anybody's toes.

Not yet! The list of people in each section is at the top. Note as Content Lead for the chapter, you'd also be in charge of keeping that up-to-date, as more people join, or people unfortunately can't commit as they thought they might be able to, as we have a GitHub Action which automatically updates #2908 based on that meta data.

Also would be good to get another reviewer or two if you know anyone. Again I'll be able to help and we'll get an editor as well (which might also be me!), but I'm not an expert on Jamstack so some other expert opinion here would be good to suggest what to analysis and then spot any errors before publishing.

seldo commented 2 years ago

@tunetheweb Happy to take the lead on this chapter. I will definitely try to find a co-author, ideally somebody at Vercel as they are another big player in the space and I wouldn't want to accidentally skew things Netlify-wards. I have some contacts there so I'll give that a shot next.

Analyzing and writing is not a problem for me, as I said, it's my job and I have in fact already been analyzing the HA data specifically to answer questions about the Jamstack for a couple of months as part of my Netlify job.

I'm just beginning to tune in to how HA works, so thanks for being patient with me here :-)

tunetheweb commented 2 years ago

@tunetheweb Happy to take the lead on this chapter.

Thanks! Set you as the lead in top comment.

I'm just beginning to tune in to how HA works, so thanks for being patient with me here :-)

No probs and happy to help with any questions at any time. Our wiki is also a good resource:

GregBrimble commented 2 years ago

Hi @seldo! I'm at Cloudflare Pages and would also be happy to help out with the queries if you're looking for additional hands. I've previously done the analysis for CMS 2019 and Structured Data 2020.

seldo commented 2 years ago

@GregBrimble That's very kind! Would love to have you on board, I've added you to the queries section.

Dawntraoz commented 2 years ago

I'm not so up to date with Jamstack news this year, but I think @alexjoverm could contribute a ton if he signs on as a reviewer 😍

PS: If you can't find anyone, you can always count on me and I can do some research to catch up 🫂

Nutlope commented 2 years ago

Hey all! I'm at Vercel and would be happy to be a reviewer. Thanks for the invite to do this @seldo!

seldo commented 2 years ago

Much obliged, @Nutlope!

tunetheweb commented 2 years ago

@seldo @whitep4nth3r @GregBrimble @Nutlope reminder to access the planning doc and start adding your ideas to the outline. What's new with Jamstack this year, or what topics would be interesting to revisit from previous years? We're hoping to have the outline completed by May 15 to give us enough time to add any needed custom metrics to the June crawl before it kicks off. Thanks!

Would it also be helpful to have a video chat to introduce yourselves to each other? Here's a suggested agenda some of the other chapters are using for that:

I'm happy to attend anything you all set up. I'm UK timezone, but reasonably flexible.

seldo commented 2 years ago

Salma and I have completed an outline that we're happy with. Barry, your comments so far have been super helpful.

Re: a video call, sorry for not responding earlier. Salma's also in UK though I am in pacific, so we can definitely set something up. You clearly have more experience navigating the crawl, so I'd love to chat sometime this week. Anybody interested should use this doodle:

tunetheweb commented 2 years ago

@seldo I think we're good to tick off milestone 1 at the top of this issue. Trying to encourage the chapter leads to own that meta data :-)

I think the main two items for now, that we can discuss more on the call is:

  1. Fleshing out those outline thoughts into actual metrics.
  2. Seeing if the current crawl gets everything we'll need already, or if it will need to be enhanced with Custom Metrics, Wappalyzer detections or something else.
seldo commented 2 years ago

Thanks Barry, I genuinely wasn't sure if it was my prerogative to decide if a milestone had been met :-)

Yes, that's what I'm hoping for the call.

tunetheweb commented 2 years ago

Your meta data, so whenever you feel comfortable. We'll come a-knocking if we think you're making it completely up 😁

seldo commented 2 years ago

Had a quick meeting of @whitep4nth3r, @tunetheweb and myself. Takeaways:

On the basis of this, I have checked off Milestone 2, and we can work on queries using historical data in advance of this year's crawl data being available on June 15.

rviscomi commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the update @seldo, great to see all the progress being made!

One clarification on Milestone 2 is that it's actually two things:

Writing the queries will be done during Milestone 3, but for this one we're only looking for an overview of the work that needs to be done.

Here's an example of a draft PR I just made for the CSS chapter, to demonstrate what we're looking for regarding Milestone 2.

seldo commented 2 years ago

Gotcha. Okay, unchecking and will get on that PR.

tunetheweb commented 2 years ago

Hey all, apologies I've been a bit quiet lately, but been travelling and not had too much Almanac time lately.

How are we looking now? Milestone 2's date has passed by quite a bit now, but the crawl is still going on (not sure if you saw Rick's update on Slack in the Web Almanac channel?), so that gives us a bit of time to catch up.

We didn't need to add any new Custom Metrics for this chapter, so we just need to open a draft PR with a list of queries to write to complete that Milestone (note you do not need to have the queries written to complete Milestone 2 - just have a list of them). You can see example open PRs for the other chapters already open.

@seldo @GregBrimble as the analysts for this chapter can one of you do this? This will also focus you to question the rest of the chapter team as to exactly what's wanted if a metric is vague, unclear or ambiguous.

After that's done, it will allow you to tick off Milestone 2 - gotta love ticking off milestones! 😁

tunetheweb commented 2 years ago

Hi @seldo @whitep4nth3r @GregBrimble any news on the draft PR for the metrics?

The crawl has also finished running now and the data is available to query (apart from one CSS table that I don't think you'll need), so we're ready to start the exciting part of seeing what data we're gonna get!

If we could make some progress on getting the list of queries, and making a start on some of the easier queries in next week or so, it will avoid a pressurised panic as the 1st August deadline gets ever closer!

Let me know if there's anything I can help with here, or if you have any questions or need help with the queries.

seldo commented 2 years ago

Thanks for checking in, Barry. Salma wrote the query list but left it to me to make it into an actual PR, but I then a) went to a conference and b) caught covid, so things have been delayed! We have the queries and I will be able to restart work on this once recovered, hopefully next week.

tunetheweb commented 2 years ago

Yeah saw you'd been busy, and then got struck down. Hope it wasn't too bad and you're getting over it!

GregBrimble commented 2 years ago

Hey @seldo , happy to make a start while you're still recuperating. Do you or @whitep4nth3r have that query list you've started, or are we just working off of this earlier comment?

whitep4nth3r commented 2 years ago

@GregBrimble Here's the (rough) query list. I did try to make a PR into the main repo following the same conventions as everyone else, but I didn't have access, and it didn't look appropriate to do a PR via a personal fork.

1. Jamstack sites are fast
[ ] Lighthouse Performance score
[ ] Largest Contentful Paint (this is also referenced in item 2, I'm not sure which one it fits in)

2. Jamstack sites are resilient (and pre-rendered)
[ ] Rendered content sizes (reuse SEO chapter query
[ ] Largest Contentful Paint?
[ ] How much the content changes post-load

3. Jamstack sites are cached for a long time
[ ] Age header

4. The Jamstack category is growing
[ ] Percentage of "new" sites in crawl that meet the defined criteria of "fast", "resilient" and "cached"
tunetheweb commented 2 years ago

I just invited you there @whitep4nth3r. Look for a mail from GitHub.

BTW, FYI it’s fine to do PRs from personal forks (it’s how most open source works, we’re slightly weird in having so many “maintainers” and giving you all access to the main repo).

However, for this PR, which will be open in draft status for a while as we work on the queries, and where other people might want to contribute to that branch, it is probably easier to open it on the main repo so everyone is permissioned and doesn’t need to check out your fork.

whitep4nth3r commented 2 years ago

PR created here

seldo commented 2 years ago

Just a quick update on status: with enormous help from @tunetheweb we have merged the queries. The narrative is about 80% written; we have some things to fix and new data to add. I have to swap focus now so I'm aiming to take the narrative back up next week and finish it then.

I'm going to be OOO for 3 weeks starting September 9, so my plan is to hit Milestone 5 by September 1 rather than September 15.

tunetheweb commented 1 year ago

@seldo @whitep4nth3r not seen any updates in a while, and still some outstanding remarks in the doc.

@GregBrimble @Nutlope have you reviewed the draft as it is at the moment?

As a reminder we're launching the Web Almanac on Monday the 26th September and that's when we get most of the traction and focus. It's looking like this chapter won't be able to make that, but we can still release it in a follow up release a week or two after that if we can get it closed out.

seldo commented 1 year ago

Oh no! We thought we were done! I thought all outstanding issues were resolved? I am currently on a train but can take a look.

tunetheweb commented 1 year ago

Oh, sorry I presumed it was on your to do list or would have chased earlier!

There's a few more steps:

authors: [seldo, whitep4nth3r]
reviewers: [GregBrimble, Nutlope]
analysts: [seldo, GregBrimble]
featured_quote: Jamstack young and fast growing technology to build modern websites. That what people say and that's proved by numbers.
featured_stat_1: 1.1%
featured_stat_label_1: Jamstack websites adoption among web
featured_stat_2: 9.5%
featured_stat_label_2: Median value of jQuery usage among Jamstack sites
featured_stat_3: 1.7MB
featured_stat_label_3: Median value of resource wights among Jamstack sites

Which look like this on the home page:

whitep4nth3r commented 1 year ago

I wasn't sure where to add the bios — so I've added one at the bottom of the chapter for me.

whitep4nth3r commented 1 year ago

I've gone through the document comments as much as I can — a couple of things I still need to discuss with Laurie but he's currently on PTO. I'll try to move this along as much as I can.

rviscomi commented 1 year ago

@seldo @whitep4nth3r what's the current status of the chapter? Is it ready to convert to markdown, or are there still changes being made to the draft?

We've missed the launch on Monday, so the last chance will be on Monday, October 10 when we publish any remaining chapters. Does that timeline sound doable to wrap up the remaining work?

DesignrKnight commented 1 year ago

I did take a look at the doc for editing review and suggested changes. Once it is finalized, I can take another look to ensure it is fully polished.

rviscomi commented 1 year ago

@seldo @whitep4nth3r there are still some blocking review/editing comments in the doc. Could you take a look and make sure everything is resolved? Once that's done we can convert the doc to markdown. I'd like to aim for publishing next Monday, if possible. Thanks for your help getting this wrapped up, almost there!

whitep4nth3r commented 1 year ago

Sorry everyone, I haven't been getting notifications! I've gone through a lot of the small edits and offered some comments. @seldo Would appreciate you having a look when you wake up today.

tunetheweb commented 1 year ago

I've converted the chapter to markdown in #3214 . Let's finish it off in that branch.

You can see what it looks like so far here: and will update that periodically (it's not an automatic update on pushed to the branch unfortunately - I know not very Jamstacky 😉).