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HTTP Archive's annual "State of the Web" report made by the web community
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Sustainability 2022 #2910

Closed rviscomi closed 1 year ago

rviscomi commented 2 years ago

Sustainability 2022

If you're interested in contributing to the Sustainability chapter of the 2022 Web Almanac, please reply to this issue and indicate which role or roles best fit your interest and availability: author, reviewer, analyst, and/or editor.

Content team

Lead Authors Reviewers Analysts Editors Coordinator
@ldevernay @ldevernay @gerrymcgovernireland @timfrick @mrchrisadams @cqueern @Djohn12 @fershad @camcash17 @4upz - @tunetheweb
Expand for more information about each role ๐Ÿ‘€ - The **[content team lead]('-Guide)** is the chapter owner and responsible for setting the scope of the chapter and managing contributors' day-to-day progress. - **[Authors]('-Guide)** are subject matter experts and lead the content direction for each chapter. Chapters typically have one or two authors. Authors are responsible for planning the outline of the chapter, analyzing stats and trends, and writing the annual report. - **[Reviewers]('-Guide)** are also subject matter experts and assist authors with technical reviews during the planning, analyzing, and writing phases. - **[Analysts]('-Guide)** are responsible for researching the stats and trends used throughout the Almanac. Analysts work closely with authors and reviewers during the planning phase to give direction on the types of stats that are possible from the dataset, and during the analyzing/writing phases to ensure that the stats are used correctly. - **[Editors]('-Guide)** are technical writers who have a penchant for both technical and non-technical content correctness. Editors have a mastery of the English language and work closely with authors to help wordsmith content and ensure that everything fits together as a cohesive unit. - The **[section coordinator]('-Guide)** is the overall owner for all chapters within a section like "User Experience" or "Page Content" and helps to keep each chapter on schedule. _Note: The time commitment for each role varies by the chapter's scope and complexity as well as the number of contributors._ For an overview of how the roles work together at each phase of the project, see the [Chapter Lifecycle]( doc.

Milestone checklist

0. Form the content team

1. Plan content

2. Gather data

3. Validate results

4. Draft content

5. Publication

Chapter resources

Refer to these 2022 Sustainability resources throughout the content creation process:

๐Ÿ“„ Google Docs for outlining and drafting content ๐Ÿ” SQL files for committing the queries used during analysis ๐Ÿ“Š Google Sheets for saving the results of queries ๐Ÿ“ Markdown file for publishing content and managing public metadata ๐Ÿ’ฌ #web-almanac-sustainability on Slack for team coordination

tunetheweb commented 2 years ago

Hey all, apologies I've been a bit quiet lately, but been travelling and not had too much Almanac time lately.

How are we looking now? Milestone 2's date has passed by quite a bit now, but the crawl is still going on (not sure if you saw Rick's update on Slack in the Web Almanac channel?), so that gives us a bit of time to catch up.

We didn't need to add any new Custom Metrics for this chapter, so we just need to open a draft PR with a list of queries to write to complete that Milestone (note you do not need to have the queries written to complete Milestone 2 - just have a list of them). You can see example open PRs for the other chapters already open.

It looks like you've a list of them in the Doc, so just need to firm up the exact metric we want for each of them, and then create a draft PR with the checklist.

@fershad @camcash17 @4upz as the analysts for this chapter can one of you do this? This will also focus you to question the rest of the chapter team as to exactly what's wanted if a metric is vague, unclear or ambiguous.

ldevernay commented 2 years ago

Hey @tunetheweb : as soon as this is done, we can settle to see who writes what. Even without the metrics, we should be able to give some flesh to this chapter.

tunetheweb commented 2 years ago

@fershad @camcash17 @4upz any progress on that draft PR? most of the other chapters have theirs up now.

4upz commented 2 years ago

Hi @tunetheweb, sorry we've been away for most of this week. But currently still working on it, and hoping to have a draft done by early next week!

tunetheweb commented 2 years ago

Ok, just to be clear the current Milestone is just to have the list of queries - not the queries written themselves. Youโ€™ve a little more time for them. Just want to make sure everyoneโ€™s clear on what queries need written.

tunetheweb commented 2 years ago

Hey all, I see #2989 has been raised. Think we're ready to check off milestone 2 @ldevernay ?

Also just to make you aware the data is all i there now (apart from parsed_css if looking for CSS data) so you're good to start querying @fershad @camcash17 @4upz ! Do reach out if you need any help with queryies.

ldevernay commented 2 years ago

@tunetheweb : yes, I think we can check milestone 2.

tunetheweb commented 1 year ago

OK I've completed the review of the request PR, made a few tweaks (took a couple of liberties, but think it's for the better!), ran (or reran where necessary) all the queries, saved the data, created some charts I think presents the data nicely (though let me know if you want other charts).

So I think we're all done with the analysis phase. Over to the writers to copy and past in the charts or data they want to use, and finish writing the chapter!

ldevernay commented 1 year ago

@tunetheweb : this looks awesome! I'll try to take some time this week to check on this and work on the chapter.

tunetheweb commented 1 year ago

The chapter has been converted and edited and is available in the below staging links:

Last call for any changes before it's merged!

It's looking great so well done all involved.

cqueern commented 1 year ago

The chapter looks great. Hats off to all the Authors.

I especially like the Actions You Can Take section. A great list for site owners to get started on, added to the backlog, and make the impactful change for a more sustainable web we are hoping for.

Great work All.