HTTPArchive /

<<THIS REPOSITORY IS DEPRECATED>> The HTTP Archive provides information about website performance such as # of HTTP requests, use of gzip, and amount of JavaScript. This information is recorded over time revealing trends in how the Internet is performing. Built using Open Source software, the code and data are available to everyone allowing researchers large and small to work from a common base.
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Add avif as a recognized image format #241

Closed rviscomi closed 2 years ago

rviscomi commented 2 years ago

Fixes #240

tunetheweb commented 2 years ago

Should we include some of the upcoming formats in preparation to avoid forgetting when they come into being (like we did with AVIF)?:

format file extension(s) mime type
JPEG XL .jxl image/jxl
HEIC .heic and heif image/heic
tunetheweb commented 2 years ago

Didn't include heif? Not sure how much it's used.

rviscomi commented 2 years ago

Synced with the HA test server.