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<<THIS REPOSITORY IS DEPRECATED>> The HTTP Archive provides information about website performance such as # of HTTP requests, use of gzip, and amount of JavaScript. This information is recorded over time revealing trends in how the Internet is performing. Built using Open Source software, the code and data are available to everyone allowing researchers large and small to work from a common base.
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Detect publishing platforms #90

Closed rviscomi closed 6 years ago

rviscomi commented 7 years ago

Similar to, detect the presence of publishing platforms like Wordpress and Drupal. A secondary goal would be to detect themes and plugins.

Unlike #77, the key metric here would just be a single string/enum value representing the detected platform - as opposed to a list.

For accurate detection, need to come up with a list of signals for each platform. This may be hard to achieve through custom metrics alone. For example, if it requires introspection of a script file's comments, that wouldn't be possible with client-side JS alone. We may need to do post-processing on response bodies.

igrigorik commented 7 years ago

Ideally, we want a breakdown similar to However, as a starting point, I think we can focus our conversation on WordPress and figure out the requirements and pipeline for that. With that in mind, a few thoughts...

There are two (complementary) ways we can attempt to detect these platforms:

  1. At crawl runtime by looking for some platform-specific JS objects or signatures
  2. Post-crawl by analyzing response headers and bodies

My hunch is that we'll get the most mileage from focusing on (2). In the context of WordPress:

There may also be runtime specific signals we can extract, but I propose we focus on (2) as a starting point and see how far that gets us. Also, the other benefit of (2) is that we can update the logic and rerun the analysis on past crawls.. giving us access to trending data, and all the rest. Last but not least, we shouldn't restrict ourselves to a single label. In some cases we may be able to extract version number and other meta-data, so I think we should think of the output as another bag of values: {platform: x, version: y, theme: z, plugins: [...]}.

Concretely, we can extend the current DataFlow pipeline with an extra step and start encoding these rules there. For prototyping we can also run queries directly in BigQuery..

rviscomi commented 7 years ago

Working on a proof of concept: Ex:

There are two (complementary) ways we can attempt to detect these platforms

@igrigorik do you see (1) as the low-hanging first pass for well-formed pages, with (2) taking a closer look at everything else not already detected?

I think we can get real data more quickly with (1), albeit with more false negatives. In any case, I'll also look into extending the DataFlow pipeline as you mentioned.

rviscomi commented 7 years ago

Generated a httparchive:scratchspace.response_headers table with the response headers of 100k pages:

  JSON_EXTRACT(payload, '$.response.headers') AS response_headers

Then ran this query on it:

    REGEXP_MATCH(response_headers, 'X-Hacker') AS wordpress
  wordpress = true

No results.

Changed the regexp pattern to 'wp\.me[^}]+rel=shortlink' and got 20 results:

Seems like not a strong signal. WDYT?

igrigorik commented 7 years ago

Hmm. We could sanity check against:

curl -L -vv
< X-hacker: If you're reading this, you should visit and apply to join the fun, mention this header.
< Link: <>; rel=shortlink

On the other hand, lots of sites on that client list don't deliver above header either..

curl -L -vv
li data-src-fullsize="

^ perhaps we should also look for, although I'm not sure if that's VIP only or true for any hosted site.

rviscomi commented 7 years ago

Oh I didn't do a case insensitive search. I'll try that to include X-hacker.

rviscomi commented 7 years ago

Ok I updated the query to be case insensitive and match both X-Hacker and rel=shortlink patterns.

I stuffed those 27 results into httparchive:scratchspace.wordpress_headers and used that to generate another table, httparchive:scratchspace.wordpress_response_bodies:

SELECT page, url, body FROM [httparchive:har.2017_03_15_chrome_requests_bodies] WHERE
page IN (SELECT page FROM [httparchive:scratchspace.wordpress_headers])

It joins the pages with WP headers with corresponding response bodies. Finally, I queried this table with the same signals in the custom metric POC:

  REGEXP_MATCH(body, r'(?i)(<meta[^>]*WordPress|<link[^>]*wlwmanifest|src=[\'"]?[^\'"]*wp-includes)')


Of the 100,000 pages sampled, 27 pages were detected with WP headers. 25 of those also had corresponding WP signals in the response body. The discrepancy seems to be due to a conflicting use of the X-hacker header for non-WordPress use.

That said, it seems like markup analysis is no worse of a signal than header analysis. So I ran a related query to see how much better markup analysis is:

  REGEXP_MATCH(body, r'(?i)(<meta[^>]*WordPress|<link[^>]*wlwmanifest|src=[\'"]?[^\'"]*wp-includes)') AND
  page IN (SELECT page FROM [httparchive:scratchspace.response_headers])


This looks only at the 100,000 pages sampled by the header analysis and runs the body analysis. There are 9,677 results, or about 10%. It's still half as much as reported, so it seems like there are other strong signals we're missing.

To recap:

igrigorik commented 7 years ago

As a meta thing, It'd be nice to start building a list of test cases and explanations for each pattern:

Otherwise, based on past experience, you quickly end up with unwieldy regexes that break easily and are impossible to maintain long-term.

rviscomi commented 7 years ago

It'd be nice to start building a list of test cases and explanations for each pattern

Definitely. I'd first like to figure out which signals are weak/strong/redundant and narrow it down to a minimal list of strong signals. The /docs would be a good place to explain what each signal in that list is measuring and its efficacy.

"Weak" can mean that the signal has a high number of false positives or a low number of true positives. Eg X-header seems to be a weak signal for the latter reason. There may still be some value in these types of weak signals, for example if many of them combined produce a significant number of detections.

rviscomi commented 7 years ago

Good news! Someone has already thought about this 😄

See AliasIO/Wappalyzer

We could do something similar to the library detector and generate a custom metric script based on the Wappalyzer apps.json file. Being JSON, it'd be easier to filter it out to only the platforms and props we're interested in.