HUJI-Deep / FlowKet

A framework based on Tensorflow for running variational Monte-Carlo simulations of quantum many-body systems.
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Stochastic reconfiguration for autoregressive models? #17

Closed NnktYoshioka closed 4 years ago

NnktYoshioka commented 4 years ago


Thank you very much for making this great library public! I was walking through the example codes and noticed that the stochastic reconfiguration is available, e.g. for Rbm. However, when I tried to apply this to convnet autoregressive model, I encountered an error.

Concretely, I executed a code looking like the following, but the optimizer could not be defined. Is SR simply not available so far, or is there a workaround?

Thanks very much in advance!


from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model

from flowket.optimizers import ComplexValuesStochasticReconfiguration
from flowket.layers import LogSpaceComplexNumberHistograms
from flowket.machines import ConvNetAutoregressive2D
from flowket.operators import Ising
from flowket.optimization import VariationalMonteCarlo, loss_for_energy_minimization
from flowket.samplers import AutoregressiveSampler

Nx = 3
Ny = 3

depth = 2
nchannel = 8

# Define machines
hilbert_state_shape = [Nx, Ny]
inputs = Input(shape=hilbert_state_shape, dtype='int8')
convnet = ConvNetAutoregressive2D(inputs, depth=depth, num_of_channels=nchannel, weights_normalization=False)
predictions, conditional_log_probs = convnet.predictions, convnet.conditional_log_probs
predictions = LogSpaceComplexNumberHistograms(name='psi')(predictions)

model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=predictions)
conditional_log_probs_model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=conditional_log_probs)
optimizer = ComplexValuesStochasticReconfiguration(model, convnet.predictions_jacobian, lr=0.05, diag_shift=0.1,
                                                   iterative_solver=False, )
noamwies commented 4 years ago

Hi, Currently the SR implemented only for networks with complex value weights e.g. ComplexValuesSimpleConvNetAutoregressive1D,Rbm By using ComplexConv2D & lncosh It should be simple to implement complex weights variant of ConvNetAutoregressive2D


noamwies commented 4 years ago

Let me know if this solve the problem

NnktYoshioka commented 4 years ago

Thanks for introducing me to 1d autoregressive Convnet. As you suggested, I also got to define 2d model by combining ConvNetAutoregressive2D and ComplexValuesSimpleConvNetAutoregressive1D.