HUPO-PSI / mzTab

mzTab Reporting MS-based Proteomics and Metabolomics Results
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Support ORCID in MTD secition #202

Open sneumann opened 2 years ago

sneumann commented 2 years ago

Hi, in addition to the name and eMail, the MTD section should support the ORCID as an optional persistent identifier for people somewhere near:

==== contact[1-n]-orcid

|*Description* |The contact’s Open Researcher Contributor Identifier (ORCID).
|*Type* |String
|*Mandatory* |False
|*Example* a|
MTD contact[1]-email 0000-0002-1825-0097
MTD contact[2]-email 0000-0002-9079-593X

This applies to multiple mzTab-*, and could go in at the earliest convenience of the respective standards. Please don't close the issue upon adding to one of the standards, instead remove the label e.g. proteomics-part since it'll need to still be added to the next metabolomics (point ?) release.

Yours, Steffen

nilshoffmann commented 2 years ago

Seems like a good idea. I would propose to use the orcid suffix. An orcid consists of four four number blocks, separated by a hyphen.

MTD contact[1]-orcid 0000-0001-5000-0007

See for the ORCID identifier structure.

nilshoffmann commented 2 years ago

@andrewrobertjones @sneumann Do we have an instruction manual on how to proceed with incremental version changes of spec docs? I would like to bump the version to 2.0.1 when I incorporate this change, since it is an additional element and should be transparent to older version readers and writers. The element will be optional. Current document version is 2.0.0-Final March 2019 (RELEASE). Should we open an official merge window of a few weeks / months to gather feedback or additions?

nilshoffmann commented 1 year ago

Proposed change to the spec doc is in #209

sneumann commented 1 year ago

Are there other changes pending that could be suggested as 2.0.1 and decided en-bloc at the PSI Spring Meeting 2023 ? Yours, Steffen