HUPO-PSI / psi-mi-CV

Molecular Interactions Controll Vocabulary
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Confidence branch #150

Closed noedelta closed 8 years ago

noedelta commented 17 years ago

this one is needed to start populating interaction & participant identification confidenceList elements within MIF25. There's not much to put in there at the moment - most likely just confidence participant confidence interaction confidence replicate count (technical replicate count) Interaction Sequence Tag (with PMID:11283351 as a reference)


Reported by: lukasz99

noedelta commented 16 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=653048 Originator: NO

In the MIF schema confidence unit is an 'open CV type' I am not sure we should create that branch without more thoughts about statiscal validations as well.

Original comment by: luisa_montecchi

noedelta commented 15 years ago

Agree with Luisa. Can I suggest we ask Hagen Blankenburg to take a look at this and draft an outline for this branch. See and

Original comment by: ian_oslo

noedelta commented 14 years ago

Proposal from Mario Albrecht

Interaction confidence Replication-based (no of experiments) Structure-based (Protein domain IDs, 3D structure Function-based (GO terms, function predictions) Location-based (tissue specificity, GO compartment terms) Network-based (interaction partners, topological parameters, comparison with genetic interactions) Standrd-based (references sets aka gold standards) Literature based (co-occurrence of terms) Method-based (No. different methods observed by)

Original comment by: orchard

noedelta commented 13 years ago

Branch added, as discussed in Heidelberg

Original comment by: orchard

noedelta commented 13 years ago

Original comment by: orchard