HUPO-PSI / psi-mi-CV

Molecular Interactions Controll Vocabulary
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original identifier/original databse. #174

Closed noedelta closed 8 years ago

noedelta commented 16 years ago

Can we find the reason for introduction of these terms. If it is OK can these be used where data is imported from a different database and we can use the original database and the identifier from this database? eg. Interaction data from huge etc.

Reported by: jyotikhadake

noedelta commented 16 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=653048 Originator: NO

I guess you refer to the following Cross reference 'source database' and 'originally assigned identifier' You are right they a bit redundant, the second one was created for IMEx partner only, I make it more clear in the definition and make the first parent of the second.

[Term] id: MI:0685 name: source reference def: "Reference pointing to the originating database in which an interaction, or other curated information, was first described." [PMID:14755292] subset: PSI-MI slim is_a: MI:0353 ! cross-reference type

[Term] id: MI:0869 name: originally assigned identifier def: "Identifier assigned when the record was created by a source database." [PMID:14755292] subset: PSI-MI slim synonym: "original identifier" EXACT PSI-MI-short [] is_a: MI:0353 ! cross-reference type

Original comment by: luisa_montecchi

noedelta commented 16 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=653048 Originator: NO

for now I have rephrased source reference definition as follow, to make it more clear it is a reference not to a source database record, but to a publication describing the originating database new definition Publication or document describing the originating resource where an interaction, or other curated information, was first described.

Original comment by: luisa_montecchi

noedelta commented 16 years ago

Original comment by: luisa_montecchi