HUPO-PSI / psi-mi-CV

Molecular Interactions Controll Vocabulary
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protein polymerization assay #190

Closed noedelta closed 8 years ago

noedelta commented 15 years ago

Some papers (eg PMID:19081060, Fig 1) infer interactions by monitoring polymerization/depolymerization of a protein (by diverse means; it could be gel filtration, native page, EM) upon addition of another proten (or other molecule; it could be a cofactor of some sort). Can we add 'protein polymerization assay' term as a child of 'enzymatic assay' (MI:0415) or, in case someone objects a notion that the added protein acts as an enzyme affectiong polymerization reaction, simply as a child of biochemical assay (MI:0410) As there was no answer on psidev-vocab I'm putting this up as a request here lukasz

Reported by: lukasz99

noedelta commented 15 years ago

MI:02183 - I've made it rather more generic as other molecules polymerise. I can add a child protein polymerisation if required.

Original comment by: orchard

noedelta commented 15 years ago

Original comment by: orchard