HUPO-PSI / psi-mi-CV

Molecular Interactions Controll Vocabulary
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Bead Aggregation Asssay #194

Closed noedelta closed 8 years ago

noedelta commented 15 years ago

A His-tagged protein bound to His-binding beads make the beads aggregate, eg in PMID: 19114658 I'd guess this should be either an independent child of affinity technology or, possibly of solid state assay ? I wouldn't, however, narrow it down to pull down as beads coupled to antibodies might be used in a co-IP-like variation on this theme.


Reported by: lukasz99

noedelta commented 15 years ago

It could have both as parents. I agree its not a pulldown.

Original comment by: orchard

noedelta commented 15 years ago

>It could have both as parents. If it's solid phase it will be, by pedigree, affinity technology's child as well. I guess it depends if a bead is considered 'solid phase'.. after a bit of extra thinking I would say it's not - otherwise a packed column full of similar beads would have to be considered a solid state assay...

so my final version would be simply a child of affinity technology lukasz

Original comment by: lukasz99

noedelta commented 15 years ago


Original comment by: orchard

noedelta commented 15 years ago

Original comment by: orchard