HUPO-PSI / psi-mi-CV

Molecular Interactions Controll Vocabulary
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new Cv term please:non-denaturing SDS-PAGE #390

Closed sodoff closed 6 years ago

sodoff commented 6 years ago

"non-denaturing SDS-PAGE" Sandra suggested this be added (see shiroishi-2006-2;pmid:16455647) -presumably as a child of "electrophoresis"? [I can see why you have used electrophoresis but I think this part of the hierarchy needs rearranging slightly and a term added for non-denaturing SDS-PAGE. ]

pporrasebi commented 6 years ago

The experiment shown as a reference is not a non-denaturing SDS-PAGe, but an non-reducing SDS-PAGE. Actually, I do not think you can have a non-denaturing SDS-PAGE, since given the presence of SDS and the boiling step pre-loading to the gel, proteins are going to be denaturalized to some extent. I do not think a new term is required in this case.